Did you know that almost every person who visits your website will leave without buying? I know that sounds disheartening but it's true. Just think of all the sites you've been on yourself that you haven't bought from, right?
But don't be discouraged. There are things you can do to get the most from your website visitors that can make a big difference in your bottom line. Here are 4 of them:
1. Use Pop-Ups...
or pop-unders, or pop-up-tomorrow, or whatever latest 'pop' technology is available today. Yes, they do annoy some people, but internet marketing stats tell us that they work. And the one that works the best is the "exit pop", those ones that say "wait! before you leave... take advantage of this...".
If you do decide to use pop-ups, use them sparingly so as not to annoy your visitor. You can also use pop-ups to implement any of the following strategies:
2. Invite them to be on your list...
Most people won't buy from you on the first pass. You need to build a relationship with your prospects in order for them to feel comfortable investing any of their hard-earned cash with you.
Give them an opportunity to join your list so you can build that relationship. Invite them to receive a free taste of what it is that you're offering - ezine, special report, checklist - so they get on your list. You then have the opportunity to market to them over time, which will build that relationship which will lead to more sales.
3. Find out why the are leaving...
Ask them why they are leaving your site. Not everyone will tell you, but the feedback you do receive is gold. You can then make any appropraite adjustments to your website to increase your sales and opt-in conversion rates.
4. Make another offer...
If they didn't purchase on the first pass, make them another offer. Offer them another product or program of yours that's at a lower price point, or send them to someone else's site whose offering might benefit them instead, preferable one of which you highly recommend and are an affiliate of so you can earn a small commission for your referral.
Pick one of the above, test it and see how it works for you. You're sure to increase your list numbers and well as your sales numbers if you start implementing even one of these strategies today.
Copyright 2007 Alicia M Forest and Client Abundance
Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™ and creator of "21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™, teaches coaches, consultants, and other solo professionals and online entrepreneurs how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create abundance in your business, visit http://www.clientabundance.com/
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