Saturday, June 09, 2007

Is Making Money Online Easy? by CW Teo

Who says making money online is as easy as ABC? There is certainly no proven way to get rich quick, but your business opportunities on the internet is virtually limitless! The internet offers everyone a chance to do just whatever you wish, regardless whether you are doing it as an individual or you are looking to expand your existing business.

To begin, taking your business to the internet offers you some spectacular enhancements. It is an alternative to your customers and they will surely appreciate. From your web site, your customers can do many of the same things they would do in person with you. Besides, the use of email provides a cheaper and faster means of communication between you and your customers.

What kind of businesses exists on the internet? There are plentiful. Large or small, these businesses can take the form of retail, wholesale, auction, clearing houses, affiliate marketers, specialized marketers, banks and other service firms, publishers, weblogs (blogs), and innumerable other forms. It is all up to your imagination.

Any individual can benefit from internet marketing. The wide range of opportunities to market your skills, include that of an independent programmer, web designer, writer, and many other disciplines. An alternative path is to either market your own products, or to market products with resale rights. Besides, you can also market your own books, also known as e-books on the internet. You can practically market anything because where there is a market; there is an opportunity to make money.

Your chances for making money online depend on many factors. But the most critical factor is you. You need to know what you want to do (your objective), how you want to do it (your implementation plan) and the hurdles that you need to overcome. You need the drive, perseverance and determination to achieve success on the internet.

About the Author

CW Teo is an expert in personal development. He created the SecretXfactor Series: InternetSuccessPrimer to help you turbo charge your internet business success. Click: to download.

Are you making money online - 700,000 are! by

Are you making money online - 700,000 are!

People who make money online are said to be a great plus to the republican party Presidential Election in 2008.
According to them, the Republican Party will benefit from a cohort of new supporters to augment the GOP's traditional support from the Christian right and pro-business interests. Why, because more and more people are creating wealth online by starting their online business and other sources of income like eBay and affiliate programs.

Could Karl Rove be right about tech?
"There are two or three societal trends that are driving us in an increasingly deep center-right posture," Rove told the magazine. "One of them is the power of the computer chip. Do you know how many people's principal source of income is eBay? Seven hundred thousand." Rove's point being that the proliferation of technology puts increasing numbers of people in charge of how they make a living.

It's amazing. People still frown on the idea that they can profit and even make a recurring income thru a legitimate online business. With all the options and opportunities available to them online - the income potential have never been so real. I know that with the many scams that run rampant on the net. But with everything in life - there are risk one most take.

According to the report 700,000 thousand people make a living because of eBay [ online business ] and the facts would probably prove than more than a million people can and do make a decent living on the net. If your interested in just checking into it, check out these : online Opportunities


About the Author
Helping people online on a daily basis

Work at Home through Affiliate Marketing by Lee Masterson

Welcome to the wonderful world of self-employment. What could be better than sitting at your computer in your bathrobe, quietly sipping coffee, while you listen to Playhouse Disney on the television as your toddler watches, serenely snacking on his breakfast? Nothing is better. The toddler didn't go to daycare today, or any other day, save for one: the traumatic first day. Doing what millions of working parents do, I placed my child in a nice daycare, full of toys and kids his age, believing I was doing the right thing. Eight hours later, I took home my tear- stained, snot-encrusted, stuttering child, and calmed him down for about three hours. That was his first day and last. We rearranged schedules, became two single parents living in the same house, and the kids were happy. The fairy tale doesn't end there with 'happily everafter.' Money was still too tight and the kids rarely saw their parents together. Overtime brought in more money, but with less freedom. So I began scanning the magazines at the bookstore for money-making ideas. You know the ones - glossy, colorful, get rich quick bibles, every last one. They share something with the Bible actually; you can buy a copy of any of them 5 years later, and it's still all the same stuff! Then I just lucked into something on the computer. I found an article written by a stay-at-home Mom, who was in business for herself. She started an on-line computer business based on a practice called affiliate marketing. She said that she was making over $11,000.00 every month!! Of course I didn't believe a word of that, but I ordered her e-book anyway. After reading that book and putting her ideas and suggestions into practice, I experienced a life-changing dilemma: I was making more money on-line than I was at my 'real' job. This went on for a while, before I thought to myself: this is silly - by going to 'work' everyday, I am actually losing money. Strange, but true - I could make more money at home plinking away on the computer. So I decided to become unemployed - Happily Unemployed.

So what exactly is this affiliate marketing idea that the stay-at-home Mom sold me on? You, the computer whiz, reading this article, simply do what you are doing now: sit at the computer. You do not directly sell anything - you promote it. I know how that sounds - how can you make money from that? But by different means, whether you start your own website ( a LOT easier than you think!) or use a blog page like MySpace (EVEN easier), you simply recommend information products, like e-books, to prospective buyers. When the buyer buys, you make money. The money comes to you in the form of commissions. If you, for example, promote and sell a $25 e-book, you will make a commission anywhere from 50% to 75% of the sales price. You may make $12.50 or as much as $18.75, and you NEVER handled anything!! You did not have to buy and stock a thousand copies of these books, you did not have to pack, stamp, or mail anything, you did not have to collect sales taxes, you NEVER had to leave your chair!! That, in essence, is affiliate marketing. It is truly a beautiful thing.

So what now? This is the part where, you know, you take your destiny into your own hands. It is not overnight riches - it does take some patience and learning, and more patience, but you WILL learn how to do it. Don't think that you are on your own - even though you are in business for yourself, because with affiliate marketing, everyone makes money together. Their success is your success. If you want to be happily unemployed yourself - this is it!

The resources on the internet are endless. You will find information on every aspect of your work at home business - for FREE ! The need for a job, or jobs, will eventually go away - you will be truly Happily Unemployed.

If you want to learn more, simply visit us at - you guessed it -

About the Author

Lee Masterson is writing this article in his pajamas! That's how he does most of his work now that he is happily unemployed. Learn how to join him - it's easy - visit us at

Affiliate Marketing Corporation Frees Company For Service by Margriet Boogaard

Generally, a company signed with an affiliate marketing corporation will supply a variety of link styles, including text links, graphics links and even search box links. Affiliates can choose from them. These links rest on the corporation's website. They are gleaned by the affiliate for the best fit for their sites. The corporation will then track the activity for the link including the number of impressions, the number of clicks as well as the amount of purchases and commissions due the affiliate site.

Affiliate marketing corporations however often receive a cut of the sale in addition to the affiliates. They do not work for free. While this adds to the cost of making a sale, the companies realize that without the additional exposure the sales probably would not happen. The companies get the additional benefit of customer information for potential future sales.

By bringing affiliate marketers together with companies offering commissions for sales several companies in the internet market place are capturing a piece of the affiliate pie. Their role is to manage the affiliate programs for the companies while ensuring the sites offering referral links are paid commissions in a timely manner.

A few companies manage their own affiliate-marketing program, while the use of affiliate marketing corporations is growing with the trend becoming more popular, freeing company resources to concentrate on customer service. It also allows the companies to use the information from referred visitors for lead generation.

The landing page for most companies contains requirements to register to use the site. Information is, at minimum, requested as opposed to mandated, enabling companies to gather visitor information. For companies offering items or services, which are not considered renewable, this works well. For example, those seeking mortgage information or for remortgaging their homes will generally be shopping only once or twice in their lifetime. Shoppers for music, food items and other disposable items on the other hand will be shopping for them frequently.

By using affiliate marketing, these companies have thousands of other websites sending visitors their way instead of relying on expensive advertising and marketing. They are possibly limiting their exposure to potential customers specifically searching for that type of information. It can tap into additional markets where they may have been missing the boat.

Affiliate marketing corporations can also help review websites applying to be affiliates, while reducing the possibility of a website offering services that is not in the company's best interests from displaying their ads. A website that sells religious materials for instance may not want to be affiliated with websites for gambling or adult oriented materials. This of course goes both ways. A church may not want to place ads for gambling on their site.

About the Author

Margriet Boogaard is owner of At Home Making Online Income and she is dedicated to help people start their own Internet Home Business. She provides articles, ideas and opportunities that can help people. To learn more on this topic Margriet recommends you to visit:

Success in Affiliate Marketing - Alternative Steps To Boost Skyrocket Your Affiliate Commission by zMillionDollars

In general, the major task for affiliate marketing entrepreneurs is to sell the other people' products online with multiple marketing channels. Many studies reveal that there are many techniques, strategies, tips and secrets of how to sell the products online. The real key to your success in the affiliate marketing business is to sell the products with the outstanding marketing techniques, beyond other competitors.

Obviously, there are many affiliate marketing strategies to increase your affiliate commission on the internet. With some strategies, you can boost dramatically your affiliate commission. However, you will discover alternative steps and learn how to sell more affiliate products beyond other competitors in this article. In each steps, you will discover and learn workable techniques, inside secrets and great tips of how to sell more affiliate products and increase sales.

1. Work Closely with Merchants to Get to Know the Market. It is obviously that the first step to beyond your competitors is to work closely with merchants. You will understand and get more knowledge about the markets, where you will advertise, from merchants. For new affiliate marketing entrepreneurs, working with merchants is a good idea to start marketing their product online. On the other hand, if you have your own experiences in the markets, you can negotiate the commission structure with merchants. The highest recommendation is to build the relationship with the merchants. Perhaps, they will inform you officially about the new products or opportunities in the future. It is a great idea to work closely with them.

The keys to your success of working with merchants are: (1) to communicate frequently and (2) try to get better understanding about their markets and products.

2. Sell the Affiliate Products Along with Services Always. The second step is to sell great lucrative affiliate products along with services. If you are an affiliate marketing entrepreneur, the most effective way to become an outstanding among other affiliates is to promote and sell the affiliate products along with services. For example, if you are advertising and selling web hosting packages, the website design consultancy or design freelance services are great ways to boost skyrocket your affiliate commission.

The keys to your success are: (1) to offer the great services for the affiliate products and (2) to deliver over the customers' expectations.

3. Setup a Strong Back-End Selling Process. The third step is to set up a strong solid back-end selling. Most successful affiliate marketing entrepreneurs are always capturing the visitor's personal information. With those visitors' information, you can advertise and sell other relevancy affiliate products to them in the future. With the strong back-end selling process, you can definitely earn extra money with the subscribers in your list. Also, you can apply the back-end selling process to your existing buyers. There is no doubt that you can earn more affiliate commission with your existing buyers who have already trust you. The real key to your success in this step is to build a great relationship with your subscribers, potential buyers and existing buyers. They are your priority in your affiliate marketing business.

The keys to your success are: (1) to sell the targeted affiliate products to your existing customers and (2) to keep selling other products to your potential buyers in the future.

4. Provide a Superb Customer Support Service. For all kind of business in the world, the customer support service is the most significant and important in the business. To beyond your competitors, it is a great idea to provide a customer support service for the affiliate products you are advertising. You can provide this support service as an alternative channel for customers, instead of the merchants' support service only. Also, if you can provide a superb customer support service, you will be far away from your competitors. The opportunities to sell more affiliate products and earn more commission will be definitely opened.

The keys to your success in this step are: (1) to provide quick, accurate and responsiveness to your customers as an alternative way and (2) to impress your customers with your superb customer support service.

5. Find the Right Partners for Your Affiliate Business. The last step for become an outstanding your direct competitors is to find the right partner for your affiliate business. This join venture partnership is a great idea for affiliates to sell the affiliate products to customers. Also, if you are looking for how to grow your home based affiliate business and increase your sales, this kind of relationship should be considered. It could be one of the best affiliate marketing strategies to reach more customers and increase sales if you can find the right partner.

The keys to success in this relationship business are: (1) to ensure that you can also help those partners' business and (2) to find the right partner who can definitely grow your business.

Final thoughts, there are many affiliate marketing strategies to boost sales and affiliate commission on the internet. In this article, those steps are very simple and easy to follow for your affiliate marketing business. You will boost skyrocket your affiliate commission and become an outstanding among competitors by those steps absolutely. The real keys to your success in this article are: (1) work with merchants (2) sell both of affiliate products and service (3) setup strong back-end selling (4) provide superb customer support and (5) join other partners for your business.

Join now to get up-to-date affiliate information, top profitable recommended online affiliate marketing programs, do effective research, improve continuously your home based affiliate business, learn how to make big money online from home over $1,000 a day and participant with other successful affiliate marketing entrepreneurs. You'll discover great tips on internet affiliate marketing for your highly successful. Also, you'll save your time & money for your trial & error.

Learn Affiliate Marketing from Ewen Chia's new brand video sets to discover top inside tips, techniques and secrets of how to make money over $100,000 within 7 days through your home base internet business affiliate marketing. You will learn affiliate marketing from one of the best affiliate teachers in the world. You will discover great 15 affiliate traffic tactics, which drive laser-targeted & high quality traffic to your affiliate website, like crazy. Also, you will learn how to become an outstanding among your competitors through 7 simple strategies. Finally, you will earn money every single month while you learn affiliate marketing from him.

Read more valuable articles, news and up-to-date information about home based affiliate business at: You will discover a wealthy of informative about how to start, build, run and grow your home based affiliate business.

*Reprint Policy: Reprint in full with writer's name, contact information, active links and brief bio.
About the Author
Siripong R. is a recognized authority on the subject of building success affiliate business. His website,, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about affiliate marketing business. Free special reports at:

Your Home Business Startup Budget by Yan Fortin

Planning to borrow a startup investment from your friends or family or go to the bank for a credit margin for your home business is something you should avoid as possible because there are much better ways to start your home business without burying yourself in a pile of debts. Just because most people do not have a lot of money for capital investment does not mean you can't afford to have your home business. There are many ways to start your home business even with a tight budget.

However, if you plan to start your home business with the expectation that it will never cost you anything, you should reconsider your decision before to jump in this venture. Soon or later, to see benefits of your business and the efforts you put in it, promoting your business will require a little initial investment for advertising but it can be done gradually, step-by-step along with the sales you start to make. Every business needs to be advertised because you need exposure for your service and product to make sales and generate an income from it.

Have you though of working online?

There are lots of online businesses that only require a very small startup capital. For example, if you are good at writing, you can offer your services online. One of the great benefits of working online is that you can work anywhere you want as long as you have a computer and an internet connection. It doesn't matter if you are in an airport, at the beach or in an internet coffee shop, you have all the freedom to work at your convenience.

On the other side, if you are not confortable to write by yourself, there are lots of affiliate marketing programs that will show you how to earn commissions that you can generate from your affiliate website. Most affiliate marketing programs do not require initial capital (or very affordable) to get started because they are mostly free to join and you can upgrade to a higher membership level in the organization later on when you are ready to do so or when you reach a certain amount of sales.

The main benefit as an affiliate marketer is that some programs pay big commissions on the sales you are making. When you affiliate website is generating a big pile of traffic, you have the potential of generating a residual income that can change your life and improve your financial situation.

Copyright © Yan Fortin

About the Author

To self-fund your home business using Funded Proposal Visit Yan's website at You can also visit Yan's blog at

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Basics of Affiliate Marketing - Part One by Gregorio Garcia

So, you've decided to get rich as an Affiliate Marketer. Well, before you begin, you should know the two most important rules about the lucrative and rewarding method of making money on the internet.

Let me ask you a question...

Is it safe to assume that you're one of those people who wishes to make a ton of money, sitting at home in the same clothes you woke in this morning because you don't want to work the normal nine-to-fiver.


There's a certain benefit of financial independence that comes with being an online affiliate marketer that you just can't get with your normal day-job.

As an Affiliate, you have the opportunity to prove you have what it takes to get the job done through your marketing efforts...and you are rewarded for them accordingly. The more successful you are in marketing, the more of an Affiliate Success you will become.

However, before you can be successful at affiliate marketing, you should keep in mind the following:

1. Content rules... You've got to be able to come up with your own unique content, and it has to be good quality stuff. The best way to get your site visitors to linger around longer is to write articles that relate to some beneficial idea of the product or service you are promoting. If your articles are eye-catching with an attention-grabbing headline, your visitors will stay and read. If your site content is drab, or should I say... BORING!!! Say good-bye after the first few seconds. Your visitors will not stay...guaranteed. After all, getting surfers to look at your website is the easy part. Getting them to stick around...that depends on your content. Later, we'll show you how to get high-quality article content for your of charge!!!

2. Links, Links, Links... The second most important thing to keep in mind is that the success of your affiliate marketing website requires traffic to your site. What better way to get traffic flowing, than to gain links that point to your web domain. The whole idea of reciprocal linking with other sites is to move your site up in search engine ratings...also known as page ranking. If reciprocal linking is a strange term for you... it simply means trading site links with other webmasters. The site master will place a link, usually in the form of a text, to your site in exchange for you doing the same. The secret to increasing your site exposures is to link with other sites that focus on the same, if not similar, topics that your site covers. In essence, the topic that your articles point to should be covered by the sites you are trading links with. Otherwise, you are going to lose brownie-points with the search engines...and that is definitely a no-no.

So, now that you are familiar with the two most important things to keep in mind at all times, you can get started building your affiliate business to spectacular proportions and income. Now, let's get started.

Getting it started:

Before you begin, you should pick your target market area... your Niche Market if you will.

Identify some topics that you feel are important to the majority, and start researching and writing good quality articles. Remember, when writing, its quality... and not quantity that matters most.

Once you've identified your niche, it's time to start writing about the benefits of your niche. Your target should be to get, at minimum, 10 articles up and running on your site. The articles should also be linked with a tracking script to see if people are reading them or not. You can learn more about tracking your articles at, a site dedicated to Niche Marketing and article writing.

Everyday, re-read one of your articles and see if it sounds clear and understandable. Also, check to see if your ideas jump out at the reader and are not jumbled in with the text. You should try and grab your readers by the idea you're discussing. If your article need re-writing, feel free to do so.

This should go on for a few days until all of your articles have been re-written. In a few weeks, you should start the process of re-reading and re-writing your articles over again. Don't be surprised if your articles sound silly the next time around. This always happens and it's because you're developing your writing skills more and more each time. New ideas and newer ways of expressing your ideas are coming to you with each proofing. You will develop new approaches and wording for the same topics and solutions. My advice to you... Don't try to be original 100% of the time. It's just not going to happen.

In part two, I'm going to show you... * How to get attention-grabbing content for free... * How to use pre-designed site templates to make money... * How to know who your visitors are and where in the World they come from... * How to create multiple streams of income from one site

So, until next time... remember to write good articles and get others websites to link with you. Cheers!!!

About the Author

Gregorio Garcia lives in Florida with his wife of 7 years, Sherise, and has been helping people promote their internet- and home-based businesses since 1998. An active and successful Affiliate Marketer, Gregorio has built teams of Associates for organizations such as Global Domains International (GDI), MoreNiche, WorldNiche, GenBucks, Worldprofit, Reliv International, Quantum International (UK), Symmetry International (JA)

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Marketing Software You Can Not Do Without by Andrew Gowans

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Affiliate, Article and Internet Marketing. All of the articles are based on real experiences and research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, internet marketing or running an online business in general. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value. One idea, one tip, one clue can make all the difference.

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate Marketing Software You Can Not Do Without

We all know or at least have been told that Affiliate marketing is a very lucrative way of running a profitable business. This is especially true since the overall start up costs are relatively low as are the ongoing running costs. As long as you take due care and diligence, that is, do your research and make sure you fully understand the steps you are about to take.

Affiliate marketing and promoting affiliate programs is a business and needs to be treated as such. Leave the guesswork to solving puzzles and riddles.

If you are not already into one or more affiliate programs, then you should really consider joining one as soon as possible because you are missing out on the real opportunity of making some big money.

I believe that by far the most important thing is the affiliate program you decide to join. A poorly managed program can make you get the wrong idea about your ability to make money on the Internet while a great program can turn even the most secluded computer geek into a money making machine.

There are programs and then there are programs. Choosing wisely is the key to your success and here are a few things to look for when you consider joining an affiliate marketing program:

Affiliate Support What do they offer in terms of support? Do they give you a couple of banners and several text links to load on your web site or are they actually involved into helping you do the right marketing and promotion for your business. Banners and text links don't work too well if you don't know how to write sales copy and you have no idea what SEO research tools mean.

Find out what they offer in terms of affiliate support and make sure they are specific about it too. Don't buy the "we have a dedicated team of affiliate experts, blah, blah, blah..." Ask for some proof.

To give you real examples of the levels of support I am talking about and the ones I use as benchmarks to measure all others before I even consider promoting them, I recommend that you take a few minutes and look at: and

Affiliate Marketing Software Even if you don't need software at all to create and run your web site (other than a simple text editor), you will need a lot of software to manage your business. And affiliate software is not cheap, not cheap at all. You need a word tracker account, a FTP client for your web site (there are free options here), a program to analyze the logs of your customers' actions on your web site, a program to monitor the sales you've generated and lot more!

Then you need some software to create your web site with if you are not a master with HTML and PHP/ASP or other scripting programs.

Then if you are a blogger, you need to install blogging software like Blogger or WordPress. If you are not a blogger, I seriously urge you to become one today.

Marketing and Advertising Tools. Do you know how to promote your web site? How to organize an advertising campaign and how much money you should spend on promoting your business? Even if you think you know all there is to know about Internet marketing, a second opinion is always welcome and may offer a fresh point of view. Always do your research.

If you are relatively new to internet and affiliate marketing, I also recommend that you subscribe to newsletters and forums. Forums related to marketing and / or your particular niche are great places to share ideas and get advice or help when trying to move forward.

And if you are just starting out you will need a lot of guidance and support to learn the ropes of what a marketing campaign is all about. You will also be using all the creative materials the affiliate program should provide you with, so you need to see some of their artwork and if you think it looks sloppy and lacks that spark that can make the customer want to click a banner, then maybe you should just move on.

Remember that every little piece contributes to the success of your business!

If you are still unsure if you have what it takes to run a successful affiliate marketing business, please don't worry. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by visiting us at the link below.

About the Author

Review our Making You Richer Guide Right Now and see for yourself all the opportunities that are only waiting for a quick witted marketer to take advantage of them and make money online fast.

The Affiliate Allstar is No Scam by Eric Kaufman

With all the scams and non-truths out there in the wilds of the internet, The Affiliate Allstar at first looks like just another one. With its exaggerated claims and low quality web design, it doesn't look to hopeful. But I was still interested, and The Affiliate Allstar has a 30 day money back guarantee. So what did I have to lose?

When I got The Affiliate Allstar, I found that it was very down to earth. It doesn't tell you that you'll soon be rich without having to work, it shows you how and what to do in order to make money. The graphics could be better, but the content makes up for it.

All in all, The Affiliate Allstar can take somebody who knows nothing about being an affiliate, and can have that person started on their way in a very short time.

Click here to learn more

About the Author

Eric Kaufman runs and operates

Affiliate Marketing: Proven Affiliate Marketing Ideas by Andrew Gowans

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Affiliate, Article and Internet Marketing. All of the articles are based on real experiences and research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, internet marketing or running an online business in general. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value. One idea, one tip, one clue can make all the difference.

Affiliate Marketing: Proven Affiliate Marketing Ideas

Making money online with affiliate programs is almost a must for any webmaster that has been around for some time or at the very least adding a few Google or Yahoo text links advertisements to your web site. Many online marketers have created new blogs with Blogger or Wordpress in addition to their old or existing web sites.

Believe me, opportunities to make money online are all around you! All you have to do is to go out and grab them as fast as you can! But how?

Most of the people who want to earn money this way end up making some cash, probably enough to cover their web site's expenses. If they have designed the web site themselves, that is. Make no mistake here - you can make money online with web sites, even with very personal blogs, but it's going to take a lot of working, tweaking, and a great deal of time to get to the point where you attract a highly targeted audience to your web site.

So how do you find a good affiliate program? How do you know if it's going to earn you money or if it's going to be a total waste of money and time? Is it better to opt for a PPC program or settle for sales commissions?

Today it's a little bit different. A lot of people join affiliate programs because they've bought a product and they like it so much that they believe that product has the potential to be a worldwide success story. So why not join the business? Finding a high quality product that you genuinely like to use and are eager to promote is the best way to make money online - that's for sure.

One proven affiliate marketing idea is to write your own personal review of that product. Furthermore, credibility and trust comes from an honest review (not a whole lot of hype). Highlight the benefits, not the features, If the benefits far outweigh the shortfalls, you have a winning product. If your pre-sell is compelling enough, visitors will take your recommended call to action.

But how does this relate to your personal web site? Would you be able to make money online adding affiliate ads to your existing web site? Would your visitors be interested in clicking the "Order Now" button? For the large majority of web sites, the answer is "No". People have come to believe that text link ads are normal on a web site, and so much so that they simply ignore them.

What you need are affiliate marketing ideas proven to work! Like, for example, you can try to build a second web site. A second web site entirely dedicated to the affiliate program you've joined and try to redirect as much targeted traffic as you can from your main web site to the commercial web site.

Building mailing lists and sending tons of sales copies and newsletters used to work at some point. Now they don't or at least they don't work as well as they used to. Don't get me wrong, I still build mailing lists because I would never give up any source of income, but I know they alone won't guarantee me any money.

Using the power of direct marketing is greatly underutilized and under estimated. A good marketing move is to make the most of the seasonal promotions and advertise your business to as many people as possible. Offline advertising is a very powerful tool if you use it right. Let's say you have an Easter or Christmas promotion. You can send with every package a few printed cards with a relevant picture on one side and the address of your web site and a few words about your business on the back of the card. Let your customers send your holiday cards around and promote your business!

The online industry is extremely fast moving. Successful affiliate marketing means constantly coming up with new ideas and testing them.

I cannot stress enough that testing is vital to your longer term success. Testing highlights what needs to be dropped, what needs to be enhanced or improved and what needs to be added.

Build on the tactics that are giving you a favorable return and dump those that are costing you money.

Thousands of online affiliate marketers are barely covering their expenses from one month to the next. Our affiliate marketing colleagues do not fall into this category.

To find out why, visit the link below.

About the Author

Making money online or from home are some of the most sought after subjects on the internet. "Making You Richer" is our complete guide to building online wealth, so you can easily convert thousands of searches every month into real sales.

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Affiliate Marketing List Building Secrets by Glen Speckmann

The Money is in the List? I am sure that you have heard this before. If you are involved with Internet marketing, you have probably heard it over and over again. But, Is it True? Absolutely!! I am involved with affiliate marketing and the great thing is that you do not need a product to begin making money. There are thousands of viable products available that you can make a great income on. Whatever your interest or your niche is, there are plenty of products waiting for you to make money with. There is also plenty of room for you to create and promote your own product. Provided of course that it is a good one. As for affiliate programs, they are very simple to get started with. You just need to sign up for their affiliate program, promote it, and watch the money start rolling in (hopefully). This is all great, but then what? Most likely you would find another product and start all over again. What if, when you find or create this new product, you already have hundreds or thousands of people to instantly tell about it? You can shoot them a quick email and have immediate money in your pocket. Then you can start advertising this product and create even more people for your next great idea. As you can imagine, this process can take on a snowball effect. Before you know it, your primary income will be from your online business. Now you can work from home! How do you go about starting a list? One of the best ways is to create a squeeze page. This is a simple one page website that is designed to capture your visitors name and email address. You can do this by offering a free report, a free subscription to your newsletter, or both. Once you have their information they are added to your auto responder and they are a part or your list. At this time you would redirect them to your affiliate product website or to your own website with a link. One piece of advice, do not oversell to your list. This is a very valuable resource and should not be jeopardized. You need to give good solid information and only promote worthwhile products. Treat your list as a group of friends that you want to help with the information that you are providing. Not as another dollar in your pocket. Just follow the golden rule and treat your list as you would want to be treated and you will be on your way to success.

About the Author

Glen Speckmann is a successful affiliate marketer. For a free report and a free subscription to his informative newsletter, please visit

Affiliate Sales Programs: How to Choose a Good Product by Jack Lowry

Choosing a good product to sell from your affiliate sales programs depends on two main things. First, you need to have some degree of knowledge or expertise about that product or, more importantly, you need to be interested in the product's category or topic. And secondly, you need to make sure the product owner's webpage has a high sales conversion rate.

The beauty of affiliate sales programs is that although competition might affect your success to some degree, it is not a liability to have tons and tons of other affiliate marketers promoting the same product. As long as you are able to drive traffic to your affiliate product's website, you will be able to make a lot of money in whatever affiliate sales program you choose.

When first deciding upon a product, your knowledge and enthusiasm for the product are most important. Even if you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about an affiliate sales program's product, it just takes a few days of study and research online to learn what you need to know to make money. If you are truly interested in a product category, then you shouldn't have much trouble finding out what you need to know to make money with your affiliate sales program.

Once you've decided upon a particular category of products from which to choose, look at the products that are hot sellers. The affiliate sales program should provide a list of products arranged by category, like Clickbank. Visit the websites of some of the top sellers in the affiliate sales program, and find out if they offer any affiliate bonuses for a lot of converted sales and any other useful stuff like pre-made pictures you can put on your website to advertise with. Also try to determine if they have a good conversion rate, 10% and up is considered pretty high.

Once you can narrow down your affiliate sales program's product selection with these criteria, you will be well on your way to being successful.

About the Author Jack Lowry is an online home business entrepreneur who recently developed a free 5-step course on learning how to start your own internet home business. If you are interested in learning more about his free 'Learn To Generate Cash From The Internet' course, please visit his website for more about affiliate sales programs

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Create A Huge List With Free-List-Builder by JAC, John Coles

List Building Anyone that is into online marketing knows that it is a must to have a list, having a list would be one of the major parts to being a success full online. it seem that more and more people want to work from home and spend more time with the family, or just doing other things that are more important to them.

With the FREE-LIST-BUILDER you now have the chance to make that dream happen even easier than before, FREE-LIST-BUILDER is a free service that cost nothing to join and nothing to send mail you get access to the whole data base with your mail which will give you the chance to promote the products or services that you are working on, giving you the chance you need to make your online success happen even faster

you can find out more about the great service and all it has to offer at

if you need help with creating a website we also have a free gold membership to Online Money Made Ez another site that is free and can help you with the tips and tricks to making a website happen faster

Warmest Regards JAC, John Coles

About the Author

JAC, John A Coles An Online Business Opperator that is all about making money online, Trying to help other people to make money as easily as we do!