Anything that attracts visitors to your website is considered to be good SEO. The fact is that people love interactive sites. This appeals to both their instincts to graze and play. Horoscopes, games, live audio, music, chat rooms, diaries, blogs, videos and any kind of interactive gimmick gives the people want they want. They also like things such as budget calculators, web tools, schedulers, alarm clocks and any kind of interactive wizard.
Sometimes you have to design this material yourself, but most of the time you can find this kind of Internet plug in gadget by searching for them on the web. Many web hosts also offer free gadgetry that is designed to amuse your visitors.
Also, depending on the nature of your business you might be lucky enough to find an affiliate who will supply you with templates or html that can put the appropriate flash animation or interactive game or quiz on your site. An example of his kind of tool in action is at That is an interactive Tarot reading site that can be downloaded onto a psychic site.
If your site is designed to be like a seminar or a journal then you can also use such devices as the video clip of the day, the song of the day or the audio feed of the day.
The only drawback to search engine optimizing your site in this way is that sometimes if you use too many flash animations or visuals many pages on your website can be read as blank pages by the search engines. This can result in penalization as it the spiders automatically see it as being an incomplete or unfinished site that is not yet ready to be indexed or catalogued for the purposes of ranking in the search engine pages.
Chris Angus is a SEO and website promoter, he can be contacted at sales(at) Car Insurance Mobility Scooters Asbestos Management
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