Monday, January 15, 2007

Apple iPhone Making Money Opportunities by Harrace

As soon as Steve Jobs announced Apple's plan to launch the iphone, a couple of things happened:
1. Apple's share price increased more than 8% within 1 day.
2. The other major cellphone makers, including Sony Erission, LG, Nokia and Blackberry suffered a 1% to 2% loss in share price within 1 day.

How can you make money from this iPhone mania?

There have been a lot of discussions in forums and blogs about the Apple iPhone, with both postivie and negative comments.

Postive comments include it looks cool, integrating features of a phone, iPod, and internet capabilities.

Negative comments state that it's expensive - US$499 for 4GB and US$599 for 8GB, it doesn't support 3G.

The iPhone may look cool, but why this announcement has raised Apple share price for close to 10% in one day? I think it boils down to the salesmanship of Steve Jobs during his speech. He said passionately that the iPhone combines three products -- a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device. I remember him also using terms such as the software in the iPhone is "5 years in advance" of other similar software.

Further, with the unprecedented success of the iPod, which has turned around Apple, there is a strong emotion that iPhone will be another smashing hit, bringing the revenues of Apple to the next levels.

I think this will almost certainly be true. So how can we tap on this iPhone making money phenomenon?

#1: Buying Apple shares - Though the share price increase has already been reflected after the announcement, I expect the share price will go up for the 2nd round, after the launch of the iPhone.

#2: Though the iPhone does not support 3G, which is not popular in the US anyway, it should have good wi-fi capabilities. So more people will be surfing the Internet on the road using iPhone. This will make the Internet marketing pie grow much bigger. It's time we prepared for Internet marketing campaigns targeted for these Internet users.

#3: Write articles on iPhone, like this one in your site and submit to articles directories. This will draw more traffic to your site, and in turn, you can monetize the traffic via Google AdSense, affiliate programs, as welling as selling your own products or services.

#4: Sell iPhone accessories - After the launch of the iPods, there are a great demand for iPods accessories. Similarly, I expect there will be a great demand for iPhone accessories. As the early bird catches the worm, it's time to source for the products now.

What about selling iPhone? If you are already selling cell phones or iPods, adding iPhone to your inventory is a good idea. However, if not, the costs of the supply and the frequent change of new models are some of the concerns you should be able to deal with first.

About the Author

Harrace is the Chief Consultant of, the No.1 Asia Internet Marketing company with offices in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. He is an Internet marketing coach in Asia's first and No.1 Internet marketing coaching program (ranked in top search engines) and an author for the leading Asia Internet marketing blog at

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