Sunday, December 24, 2006

Don't Buy Any Product Until You've Read This! by Case Stevens

How many times have you considered buying a product or online service, but hesitated, because you didn't know exactly if it was the right one for you?

Do you recognize the situation?

I do. And, looking at the many request on popular forums for more information, I'm not alone.

Before buying anything, you would like to have some form of confirmation that you are going to do the right thing. That your purchase is going to deliver what you expect from it.

So, you ask around, don't you? Hoping to find some good answers.

Well, as of today, that isn't necessary anymore.

Because there's a new site that you can use as a valuable review resource.

It's called RatingsHub.

At this site, people can sign up and submit reviews of products or services they've bought and readers can rate these critiques. These reviews come from seasoned Internetters as well as newbies. Of course, they're biased, but since there are more of them for the same product or service, it's an objective resource, at least as objective as humanly possible.

And that's the main reason why this review site is a great resource. If you subscribe to their newsletter, you will be kept up to date about the latest reviews.

Next, the site is completely ad-free and, read this carefully, without any affiliate links! You are not being sold to. For lots of us, that's a big plus.

"But, if there are no ads shown and no affiliate links included, then what is their business model?" you may ask.

Well, RatingsHub is only a part of the business model implemented here. The co-editors of the newsletter are building a list with the subscriptions the site generates. As of writing this message, the site is in Beta-testing phase, but when it opens, it provides the opportunity to build and grow your own list.

The initiator and of this great business model is David Vallieres, seasoned Internet marketer and Senior Editor of the newsletter. David wanted to give something of real value back to his loyal readers that provided him a nice online income over the years. He decided to build their lists and, according to the huge number of reactions he got, probably did the right thing.

Right after he unveiled his ideas, he had 1,000 people signing up as Beta testers in only two days. And as soon as RatingsHub was established, 350 of these testers produced hundreds of reviews in only a couple of days. When Dave gave permission to publish the site, it generated 3,000 subscribers within a week.

What's even more interesting, after that first week, the site ranked 2,553 out of millions of websites on Alexa, and that is pretty impressive. The numbers of reviewer sign-ups was much less, which may lead to the conclusion, that people are MORE interested in reading the reviews of others than they are in submitting their own reviews.

And there, dear reader, lies the value of RatingsHub. Interesting information from different points of view, that can help you decide, whether or not you are about to buy the right product or service.

Isn't that what we all were looking for?
About the Author

Article by Case Stevens His newsletter is where you'll end your guesswork and confusion! Sign up here now: Affordable Online Strategies

Give RatingsHub a try, sign up here now:

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