Marketing on the internet means different things to different people. If you are new to internet marketing it is helpful to understand the various ways you can market on the internet. In this article we will look at of the basics of internet marketing. This will include your own website, blogging, advertising, email newsletters, and email marketing.
The first basic step with internet marketing is to get your own website. You can certainly make money selling other people's stuff as an affiliate and use their websites, but for long term success you are better off to create your own. There are many different software packages online that you can purchase to help you create a website. If you have the money you may want to hire someone to it for you. Even if you hire creating your website out it is better for you in the ling run to learn some basic HTML so you can make changes as you want to without having to pay someone and wait for them to do it for you.
A really popular way to market on the internet is by creating a blog. Blogging is nothing more than putting your thoughts down in a web log. The 2 most popular ways to start a blog are through and WordPress. The biggest benefit to a new person with littel technical skills is you can create internet content just by typing. The pages are put online for you which eliminates the need to learn how to build web pages. Many top internet marketers create their own website and then keep it current by blogging.
There are 2 types of internet advertising, paid and free advertising. Using a combination of both will give you ultimate exposure for getting visitors to your website. Paid advertising can include pay per click advertising, solo and classified ads in ezines, banner ads, buying hits to your website and others. Free advertising is anything you do yourself to get your website where it can be seen. These can include article marketing, forum marketing, free classifieds, link trades, and others.
Publishing your own email newsletter is know as an ezine which is short for email magazine. Providing useful information in the form of an email newsletter is a great long term strategy for internet marketing. As you build up a mailing list of opt in subscribers you have a captive audience to send out promotions on your products and services. Of course you will want to include your website address for getting more traffic to it as well.
Email marketing is a great way to get your message in front of thousands of people for very little money. Creating your own mailing list is the best way to do this. You can do this by advertising a landing page which offers valuable information or freebies in exchange for their name and email address. Another thing you should do is put a sign up form on every web page you create including you home page.
These are just 5 very basic parts of internet marketing. The internet offers anyone, anywhere an opportunity to make money and promote their products as you learn how to do it.
About the Author
Guy Mendelson, is a respected internet marketing expert, and the founder of leading home business To subscribe to Guy Mendelson E-zine, send blank email to Guy Mendelson
Saturday, December 23, 2006
The 5 Basics Of Internet Marketing by Guy Mendelson
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