So, you've decided to get rich as an Affiliate Marketer. Well, before you begin, you should know the two most important rules about the lucrative and rewarding method of making money on the internet.
Let me ask you a question...
Is it safe to assume that you're one of those people who wishes to make a ton of money, sitting at home in the same clothes you woke in this morning because you don't want to work the normal nine-to-fiver.
There's a certain benefit of financial independence that comes with being an online affiliate marketer that you just can't get with your normal day-job.
As an Affiliate, you have the opportunity to prove you have what it takes to get the job done through your marketing efforts...and you are rewarded for them accordingly. The more successful you are in marketing, the more of an Affiliate Success you will become.
However, before you can be successful at affiliate marketing, you should keep in mind the following:
1. Content rules... You've got to be able to come up with your own unique content, and it has to be good quality stuff. The best way to get your site visitors to linger around longer is to write articles that relate to some beneficial idea of the product or service you are promoting. If your articles are eye-catching with an attention-grabbing headline, your visitors will stay and read. If your site content is drab, or should I say... BORING!!! Say good-bye after the first few seconds. Your visitors will not stay...guaranteed. After all, getting surfers to look at your website is the easy part. Getting them to stick around...that depends on your content. Later, we'll show you how to get high-quality article content for your of charge!!!
2. Links, Links, Links... The second most important thing to keep in mind is that the success of your affiliate marketing website requires traffic to your site. What better way to get traffic flowing, than to gain links that point to your web domain. The whole idea of reciprocal linking with other sites is to move your site up in search engine ratings...also known as page ranking. If reciprocal linking is a strange term for you... it simply means trading site links with other webmasters. The site master will place a link, usually in the form of a text, to your site in exchange for you doing the same. The secret to increasing your site exposures is to link with other sites that focus on the same, if not similar, topics that your site covers. In essence, the topic that your articles point to should be covered by the sites you are trading links with. Otherwise, you are going to lose brownie-points with the search engines...and that is definitely a no-no.
So, now that you are familiar with the two most important things to keep in mind at all times, you can get started building your affiliate business to spectacular proportions and income. Now, let's get started.
Getting it started:
Before you begin, you should pick your target market area... your Niche Market if you will.
Identify some topics that you feel are important to the majority, and start researching and writing good quality articles. Remember, when writing, its quality... and not quantity that matters most.
Once you've identified your niche, it's time to start writing about the benefits of your niche. Your target should be to get, at minimum, 10 articles up and running on your site. The articles should also be linked with a tracking script to see if people are reading them or not. You can learn more about tracking your articles at, a site dedicated to Niche Marketing and article writing.
Everyday, re-read one of your articles and see if it sounds clear and understandable. Also, check to see if your ideas jump out at the reader and are not jumbled in with the text. You should try and grab your readers by the idea you're discussing. If your article need re-writing, feel free to do so.
This should go on for a few days until all of your articles have been re-written. In a few weeks, you should start the process of re-reading and re-writing your articles over again. Don't be surprised if your articles sound silly the next time around. This always happens and it's because you're developing your writing skills more and more each time. New ideas and newer ways of expressing your ideas are coming to you with each proofing. You will develop new approaches and wording for the same topics and solutions. My advice to you... Don't try to be original 100% of the time. It's just not going to happen.
In part two, I'm going to show you... * How to get attention-grabbing content for free... * How to use pre-designed site templates to make money... * How to know who your visitors are and where in the World they come from... * How to create multiple streams of income from one site
So, until next time... remember to write good articles and get others websites to link with you. Cheers!!!
Gregorio Garcia lives in Florida with his wife of 7 years, Sherise, and has been helping people promote their internet- and home-based businesses since 1998. An active and successful Affiliate Marketer, Gregorio has built teams of Associates for organizations such as Global Domains International (GDI), MoreNiche, WorldNiche, GenBucks, Worldprofit, Reliv International, Quantum International (UK), Symmetry International (JA)
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