Friday, February 09, 2007

Day Job Killer Review by Dean Forster

Day Job Killer is an ebook that teaches affiliates how to make money online. When I first heard about this book and all the hype surrounding it I thought the only person it was going to make rich was the vendor himself.
I was expecting another hyped up ebook consisting of a lot of fluff and a few pages worth reading if I got out my magnifying glass and looked really closely. Usually when there is so much 'hype' around an ebook, it fails to live up to expectations.
Then somebody I respect suggested I should take a look at it so that's what I did. What I found out was this book is full of cutting edge techniques that aren't going to die overnight. They actually will help you make serious money online.
There are techniques in there first put out by Google cash but with a twist that updates them and makes them even more powerful to use in 2007.
In total there are seven methods you can utilise and although I cannot reveal them all here I will give you a flavour of what you can expect.
You will learn:
1. Campaign Nuking
How to underbid your competitors adwords ads. This is a powerful technique.
2. The Leveller
Learn how to use the power of gurus to build your own list. That's all I can say here...
3. Direct Linking On Crack
Google Cash made this famous initially but this method is the updated version you can utilise for even more profit in 2007. And yes, it works.
And 4 more techniques I can't go into detail here as it's not fair on the author of the ebook.
This is a no-fluff guide to making money on the internet as an affiliate. If you are an absolute newbie it may be overload if you don't already know how to set up adwords campaigns ( but don't let that stop you ). My advice: Find out the basic stuff on the internet for free then use the intermediate to advanced techniques contained in Day Job Killer.
About the Author
Dean Forster at Online Business Opportunities highly recommends Day Job Killer. If you want to learn affiliate marketing methods that will catapult your earnings to a new level => Click Here.

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